Understanding Home Buying Title Issues

Congratulations! You’ve finally found your dream home. You’re ready to close the deal and start the next chapter of your life. But before you do, it’s important to understand title issues that can occur during the home buying process. Here is an overview of four common title issues you should watch out for when buying a home. 

Property Line Disputes 

Property line disputes between neighbors are some of the most common disputes that can arise during a home purchase. If two neighbors disagree about where their property lines are located, it can be difficult to resolve without a court order. Before signing any paperwork, make sure you know exactly where the property lines are so there is no confusion in the future. This can also help protect you from any potential lawsuits down the road. 

Unpaid Liens or Taxes 

When someone buys a house, they become responsible for all outstanding debts attached to it. This includes things like unpaid liens or taxes from previous owners. To avoid any surprises at closing, you should always run a lien search on the property before making an offer. That way, if there are any outstanding debts attached to the property, they can be addressed up front. 

Easements or other Restrictions 

In some cases, homeowners may have restrictions placed on their properties by local governments or other entities (like public utilities). These could include easements that allow access to certain parts of a property for maintenance purposes or restrictions on how certain land can be used (for example, only for agricultural activities). Knowing what kind of restrictions exist on a property before purchasing it will help ensure that it 

It's important to understand the possible title issues before purchasing a home in order to protect yourself from any potential legal consequences later on down the road. Doing your due diligence and researching any potential issues related to zoning laws, liens, taxes or other restrictions will ensure that you purchase your dream home with confidence and peace of mind knowing everything is in order with the title before signing on the dotted line!  By understanding these common title issues that may arise during the home-buying process, you'll be better equipped to make informed decisions when purchasing your new home!

Licensed Florida attorneys founded Fleet Title to bring high-quality, fast, and efficient title services to Florida's residential and commercial real estate markets. Our attorneys have closed real estate transactions for over 25 years. At Fleet Title, you will benefit from our experienced attorneys at the cost of a title agent. To learn more about the services offered in Vero Beach, FL, visit www.fleettitle.com, call (772) 224-3338, or email us at info@fleettitle.com.


Home Buying 101: What is an Easement and Why Should You Care?


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